- A new paper from our group in collaboration with the Gianetti group on the role of solvent-radical interactions in highly reducing photocatalysis has just been published in the Angewandte Chemie International Edition! Read it here: https://doi.org/10.1002/ange.202420483
- Laura will be giving a talk and presenting a poster at the ACS Fall Meeting in Denver (talk #4101877). She won an WCC Eli Lilly Fall 2024 Travel Award and will be recognized for that award at the Women Chemists Committee Luncheon during the meeting.
- A new paper from our group that discusses how ultrafast spectroscopy can be used to answer fundamental questions about the mechanisms of organic photoredox spectroscopy has been published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. Read it here: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c00895
- A new paper from our group on the effect of aggregation on the efficiency of a photoredox catalysis reaction has just been published in the Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics! Check it out here: https://doi.org/10.1039/D4CP02026J
- Congratulations to Dr. Anshu Kumar for successfully defending his Physics Ph.D. thesis!
- Congratulations to Laura for passing her optics comprehensive exam. She is now officially a PhD Candidate!
- Dr. Huxter will be giving a Keynote Lecture at the annual BioPhest meeting at ASU in Phoenix on March 23rd. Link here: https://cbp.asu.edu/content/biophest-workshops
- A new paper from our group on the temperature-dependent spin-tunable properties of a stable radical system has just been published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. Check it out here: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c02726
- The Huxter Lab has been awarded an NSF CAREER award to study photoinduced single-electron transfer in photoredox catalytic systems using multidimensional spectroscopy! This award will also support an outreach program that will use 3D printed spectrometers to study the local environment of the beautiful Sonoran Desert. The $650,000 award provides 5 years of funding. Read more here: https://science.arizona.edu/news/vanessa-huxter-receives-nsf-career-award-shine-light-chemical-reactions
- Congratulations to Ben for passing his PhD comprehensive exam!
- Our latest paper on the ultrafast dynamics of neutral radicals has been selected as an Editor's Choice 2022 PCCP HOT article! It is open access until the end of September. Find it here: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2022/CP/D2CP00632D
- A new paper from our group on the time-resolved dynamics of a new class of tripyrrole-metal complexes that form stable ligand-based radicals has just been published in PCCP. Check it out here: https://doi.org/10.1039/D2CP00632D
- The Huxter group has been awarded an ACS PRF New Directions Grant! This grant will support our work using multidimensional spectroscopy to track photocatalytic reactions.
- Congratulations to Laura for being named the Optical Sciences Outstanding TA for the 2021-22 academic year!
- The Huxter group has been awarded an RII Faculty Seed Grant for the project: "Optical Strategies to Increase the Efficiency of Photocatalysis for a Green, Resilient Future"
- Welcome to Laura Sawyer who is joining the Huxter Group as an Optical Sciences PhD Student
- New paper from our group on ChemRxiv in collaboration with the Tomat group: https://chemrxiv.org/engage/chemrxiv/article-details/6201ec7aa6fb4d090b4e6a30
- New paper from our group on ChemRxiv in collaboration with the Gianetti group: https://chemrxiv.org/engage/chemrxiv/article-details/61d7a0596be4205da72449c8
- Congratulations to Dr. Alicia Swain for successfully defending her Chemistry Ph.D. Thesis!
- Dr. Huxter is Co-Organizing the ACS PHYS Division Webinar Series for 2021-2022. For more information and to register for the webinars go to the ACS PHYS website here: http://phys-acs.org/
- Alicia and Anshu will be giving talks at the ACS RMRM https://www.rmrm2021.com/
- Dr. Huxter will be giving an invited talk at the ACS 2021 Annual Meeting in the Symposium on Emerging Techniques to Probe Condensed Phase Dynamics Across Space and Time
- Dr. Huxter will be giving an invited talk at the 30th Western Photosynthesis Conference
- Ben will be giving a Physical Chemistry Seminar on Oct 26th
- Welcome to Dr. Liping Lu who is joining the Huxter Group as a visiting scholar
- Welcome to Benjamin Thompson who is joining the Huxter Group as an Optical Sciences PhD Student
- Dr. Huxter will be giving an invited talk at the American Chemical Society’s 2019 Southwest Regional and Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting
- Alicia will be giving a Physical Chemistry/Chemical Physics seminar on Sept 9th in Koffler 216
- Dr. Huxter is organizing the Ultrafast Photochemistry Session and will be presenting a talk in the Fundamental Photochemistry Session at the 29th International Conference on Photochemistry
- Congratulations to Grant on graduating with his Masters Degree in Chemistry
- Congratulations to Anshu for passing his PhD comprehensive exam
- Alicia will be presenting her work on the dynamics of tripyrrindiones at the Ultrafast Photoinduced Energy and Charge Transfer Faraday Discussion
- Dr. Huxter is serving as a Program Committee Member for the American Physical Society 4 Corners Meeting
- Dr. Huxter was featured as a Scialog Fellow in a Research Corporation Ad in the Arizona Daily Star’s special science section for the UA Science Lecture Series
- Congratulations to Anshu for passing his qualification exams
- Congratulations to Alicia for passing her comprehensive exam
- Dr. Huxter is organizing a focus session at the American Physical Society Meeting in Los Angeles on Coherence and Quantum Aspects of Living Systems
- Welcome to our new group members Anshu Kumar and Lucas Sanders
- Dr. Huxter is presenting a Nanoscale Sciences Seminar at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- Dr. Huxter has been named to the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Chemical Physics
- Dr. Huxter is presenting a Condensed Matter Physics Colloquium and a MassCAM Seminar at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- Dr. Byungmoon Cho will be presenting the Huxter Group's recent work on the unusual spectroscopy of tripyrrindione compounds at the International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena
- Congratulations to Jessica for graduating with her Masters degree in Chemistry
- Congratulations to Alicia for successfully defending her M.Sc. thesis in Optical Sciences
- Alicia and Jessica presented a poster at the Arizona Student Energy Conference
- The Huxter Group has received a grant in collaboration with the Skrabalak Group from Research Corporation
- The Huxter Group has received a grant from the UA Renewable Energy Network